Courses designed to empower people with the skills needed to excel.

Years adding value to aviation worldwide
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Best Performing IATA authorised Training Centre for Africa and Middle East 2017 - 2020
Our Courses
Courses at Flymates are designed for those aspiring to a career in Aviation. Our association with prestigious institutions such as IATA and Amadeus, coupled with our custom-designed soft skills modules, enable us to propose complete courses, aiming at preparing the students for the challenges awaiting them in their future careers.
Flight Attendant Certificate
join the hundreds of professionals working for airline companies in Mauritius and around the world.
Airport Operations Foundation Diploma
Travel Operations Diploma
This diploma, comprised of 4 courses is designed to provide an overview of the travel industry and sharpen specific skills in the area of travel operations,
V360 Virtual Tour

First in Technology

Knowing your cabin and its equipment’s location is of up-most importance. After Pioneering 360 Virtual Tours in our programme, this approach has been adopted by IATA for its programmes worldwide.

“Flymates has been the place where the seeds of knowledge were planted, which were sprinkled with lots of love and I’ve patiently nurtured their growth to produce my dream.. I now proudly wear the uniform of our flag carrier #Airmauritius”

Prestigious Partners
Our association with prestigious institutions such as IATA and Amadeus, coupled with our custom-designed soft skills modules, enable us to propose complete courses, aiming at preparing the students for the challenges awaiting them in their future careers.

IATA Authorised Training Center

IATA Regional Training Partner
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) – is the premier trade association for the globe’s airlines, they proudly represent an impressive 300 airlines, accounting for a staggering 83% of total air traffic, and empower to shape industry policies on vital aviation matters.

Amadeus Training Partner
The technological driving force behind the travel and tourism industry. Leading software worldwide in the aviation sector